GameFAQs Summer 2002 Contest Statistics
Third Round Full Lists

Matches Ranked by Percentage Differential (difference in brackets):
1) Mario 81.98% vs. Donkey Kong 18.02% (63.96%)
2) Link 72.63% vs. Jill Valentine 27.37% (45.26%)
3) Crono 70.87% vs. Lara Croft 29.13% (41.74%)
4) Alucard 30.36% vs. Cloud Strife 69.64% (39.28%)
5) Scorpion 57.74% vs. Pac-Man 42.26% (15.48%)
6) Solid Snake 56.54% vs. Aeris 43.46% (13.08%)
7) Sephiroth 50.51% vs. Mega Man 49.49% (1.02%)
8) Samus Aran 50.02% vs. Sonic the Hedgehog 49.98% (0.04%)

Matches Ranked by Vote Differential (difference in brackets):
1) Mario 52333 vs. Donkey Kong 11507 (40826)
2) Link 61931 vs. Jill Valentine 23342 (38589)
3) Crono 52488 vs. Lara Croft 21571 (30917)
4) Cloud Strife 51787 vs. Alucard 22578 (29209)
5) Scorpion 39539 vs. Pac-Man 28936 (10603)
6) Solid Snake 42545 vs. Aeris 32702 (9843)
7) Sephiroth 49172 vs. Mega Man 48185 (987)
8) Samus Aran 41973 vs. Sonic the Hedgehog 41939 (34)

Matches Ranked by Total Votes
1) Sephiroth vs. Mega Man 97357
2) Link vs. Jill Valentine 85273
3) Samus Aran vs. Sonic the Hedgehog 83912
4) Solid Snake vs. Aeris 75247
5) Cloud Strife vs. Alucard 74365
6) Crono vs. Lara Croft 74059
7) Scorpion vs. Pac-Man 68475
8) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 63840

Characters Ranked by Votes (losers in italics)
1) Link 61931
2) Crono 52488
3) Mario 52333
4) Cloud Strife 51787
5) Sephiroth 49172
6) Mega Man 48185
7) Solid Snake 42545
8) Samus Aran 41973
9) Sonic the Hedgehog 41939
10) Scorpion 39539
11) Aeris 32702
12) Pac-Man 28936
13) Jill Valentine 23342
14) Alucard 22578
15) Lara Croft 21571
16) Donkey Kong 11507

Matches Ranked by Odds Ratio (ratio in brackets)
1) Mario 6:1 vs. Donkey Kong 140:1 (23.3)
2) Link 9:1 vs. Jill Valentine 180:1 (20.0)
3) Solid Snake 8:1 vs. Aeris 90:1 (11.3)
4) Cloud Strife 14:1 vs. Alucard 70:1 (5.0)
5) Sephiroth 9:1 vs. Mega Man 45:1 (5.0)
6) Pac-Man 60:1 vs. Scorpion 150:1 (2.5)
7) Crono 33:1 vs. Lara Croft 50:1 (1.5)
8) Samus Aran 36:1 vs. Sonic the Hedgehog 45:1 (1.3)

Matches Ranked by Prediction Percentage
1) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 72.5%
2) Link vs. Jill Valentine 69.0%
3) Solid Snake vs. Aeris 67.5%
4) Sephiroth vs. Mega Man 55.7%
5) Cloud Strife vs. Alucard 53.5%
6) Crono vs. Lara Croft 33.1%
7) Samus Aran vs. Sonic the Hedgehog 31.8%
8) Scorpion vs. Pac-Man 17.3%

Special thanks to King Morgoth for formatting this page